Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
aku idamkan banana pie..
Beberape minggu lepas aku di tag olh uncle rajuna.tp oleh sbb bz yg amat.xde mse nk wt sme ni.hari ni je aku ade kelapangan sbb aku xtdo ptg.hehe.
1. Do you believe in love at first sight?
nope.love@1st sight aku salu xmnjadi..
2. Have you ever felt stupid? Why?
yes.satu ketika dulu.mungkin 2 tika??atau 3??hahaha.
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
saya mau mengerjakan umrah skli lg.rindu akan ketenangan disane...~
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
happy ever after.aku impikan hidup yg bahagia.
5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
hanye melihat keindahan ciptaan Allah.cantik!
6. Hape kau nak makan sekarang, setan?
Aku mahu makan darahhh!!haha.aku bkn setan!!!
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
melengkapkanape yg xlengkap lg.
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Nope.biarkan ia berlalu dgn indah..satu mase nnt pasti sesuatu keajaiban akn tjdi!heheheh..jiwang btol!!tp btol laaa..aku mahukan lelaki yg romantic dan jujur dlm prcintaan.
9. Who are the top five people in the world you would wish to meet?
1.siti nurhaliza
3.fazrey sobri
4.izzati skpt
5.kodok boyot! :P
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
emm...hermm..saya mahukan kebahagiaan dan kesetiaan yg berterusan.Insyaallah..
11. Which type of cars I love the most?
utk student cm aku ni.aku ske kelisa!cuteeee btol utk org2 yg cute!hhehehe..gen2 pon ske!pastu aku ske jazz colour merah.so klo korang jmpe jazz korang calar.jgn salahkn aku.sbb aku mempunyai tahap kecemburuan yg tinggi!!hehe.bile dh keje.aku nk mitsubishi lancer!tu pon klo gaji aku 8ribu laa.haha.klo xdpt..xpela.
12. Which do you prefer from your other half? hug? or a kiss?
both :P
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
emm.sile amek nombo dan tgu nombo anda dipanggil ye.oh ye.jgn lupe isi borang dlu.hehe.mai la face 2 face.jgn laaaa burok2 kn aku kt sme bdk uniten!bodoh btol!!gosip plg bodoh yg disebarkn oleh org plg bodoh!oppsss!!telebih sudah!hahaha.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
i am a shoesholic!
16. What kind of electronic device/gadget you own that you like most?
N70 dan motorola v3 yg byk bejase dlm hidop ku.akn ku kurniaa kn pingan pjj atau pjk utkmu.
17. What is your favourite fragrance ?
estee vendor.made in jeddah!my fav.sape2 yg mengerjekan haji mahupon umrah..tlg laa blikn aku sebotol.
18. Are you in love?
no.i need love.
19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?
no thx
20. Do you love the person who tagged u with this?
uncle!!!hehehe.no lah.rajuna persis mutiara jawa..aku?? :P
**aku tau sme org tgh bz bile sem baru dh start.aku sndiri pon jarang online.kepadatan jadual class membuatkn badan ku sgt letih!!aku perlukn rehat yg secukopnye.yg slalunye xpnh2 cukop.haha.So,aku tag sape2 yg dh bace sme ni!!!terutamenyee...rumet aku, adah!Jenny,Liliey,Seyn,Muizz,Capit,Mr.Mukhri! dan lain2.
1. Do you believe in love at first sight?
nope.love@1st sight aku salu xmnjadi..
2. Have you ever felt stupid? Why?
yes.satu ketika dulu.mungkin 2 tika??atau 3??hahaha.
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
saya mau mengerjakan umrah skli lg.rindu akan ketenangan disane...~
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
happy ever after.aku impikan hidup yg bahagia.
5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
hanye melihat keindahan ciptaan Allah.cantik!
6. Hape kau nak makan sekarang, setan?
Aku mahu makan darahhh!!haha.aku bkn setan!!!
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
melengkapkanape yg xlengkap lg.
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Nope.biarkan ia berlalu dgn indah..satu mase nnt pasti sesuatu keajaiban akn tjdi!heheheh..jiwang btol!!tp btol laaa..aku mahukan lelaki yg romantic dan jujur dlm prcintaan.
9. Who are the top five people in the world you would wish to meet?
1.siti nurhaliza
3.fazrey sobri
4.izzati skpt
5.kodok boyot! :P
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
emm...hermm..saya mahukan kebahagiaan dan kesetiaan yg berterusan.Insyaallah..
11. Which type of cars I love the most?
utk student cm aku ni.aku ske kelisa!cuteeee btol utk org2 yg cute!hhehehe..gen2 pon ske!pastu aku ske jazz colour merah.so klo korang jmpe jazz korang calar.jgn salahkn aku.sbb aku mempunyai tahap kecemburuan yg tinggi!!hehe.bile dh keje.aku nk mitsubishi lancer!tu pon klo gaji aku 8ribu laa.haha.klo xdpt..xpela.
12. Which do you prefer from your other half? hug? or a kiss?
both :P
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
emm.sile amek nombo dan tgu nombo anda dipanggil ye.oh ye.jgn lupe isi borang dlu.hehe.mai la face 2 face.jgn laaaa burok2 kn aku kt sme bdk uniten!bodoh btol!!gosip plg bodoh yg disebarkn oleh org plg bodoh!oppsss!!telebih sudah!hahaha.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
i am a shoesholic!
16. What kind of electronic device/gadget you own that you like most?
N70 dan motorola v3 yg byk bejase dlm hidop ku.akn ku kurniaa kn pingan pjj atau pjk utkmu.
17. What is your favourite fragrance ?
estee vendor.made in jeddah!my fav.sape2 yg mengerjekan haji mahupon umrah..tlg laa blikn aku sebotol.
18. Are you in love?
no.i need love.
19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?
no thx
20. Do you love the person who tagged u with this?
uncle!!!hehehe.no lah.rajuna persis mutiara jawa..aku?? :P
**aku tau sme org tgh bz bile sem baru dh start.aku sndiri pon jarang online.kepadatan jadual class membuatkn badan ku sgt letih!!aku perlukn rehat yg secukopnye.yg slalunye xpnh2 cukop.haha.So,aku tag sape2 yg dh bace sme ni!!!terutamenyee...rumet aku, adah!Jenny,Liliey,Seyn,Muizz,Capit,Mr.Mukhri! dan lain2.
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